That awkward moment when…

…your ex is visiting and your son decides to play ‘your song’, not just your song but ‘your song from the erotic, exotic holiday you shared together’

Don’t usually cringe but did tonight.

13 thoughts on “That awkward moment when…”

        1. That’s another thing, it’s one of the most corny songs ever, Don’t Want To Miss A Thing – Aerosmith but it was years after it was a hit, it just happened to pop up on the play list at crucial times during the holiday, The other trip anthem was Sail Away by David Gray


            1. Sail Away was quite poignant as we spent lots of time on a yacht and we loved it so much we decided to get married on one some day. The other song was apt, beside it being the first song which came on each morning (A on the playlist) we’d get up really early to catch the sunrise and there were some magical times and we felt that desire to not miss a thing while we were taking some time together was important, we’d get up early watch the world come alive, have breakfast then snooze and stuff and at night we’d stay up late to enjoy the sounds of silence and to star gaze watching shooting stars in the dark out on the sea with no illumination was special, the sky was full and they seemed so huge. Gosh I’m reminiscing now and that’s not good.


  1. Those are beautiful memories.
    “I will not say, do not weep, for not all tears are an evil.” JR Tolkien


    1. True words. We are best friends, we were best friends before our failed relationship and we kind of forget that we were every anything but friends but I know the song tonight reminded us. It’s best we forget.


      1. I recall songs and moments from my past with other lovers. I look back with a certain melancholia due to the finality of those relationships. But I also look back lovingly to those moments when i was in bliss when things were going well. Those are memories to be cherished!


        1. I guess, they were good times, we just should never have had a relationship and we’re very lucky we managed to remain friends and that the children who had become so used to him still have him in their lives too.


          1. So there’s a silver lining there. Maybe things didn’t turn out as intended, but it all ended well, right?


            1. Yes it did I guess. It’s strange because I find it difficult to reconcile that those things happened with this friend, it’s very strange, like I said it’s almost like it didn’t happen or it happened with someone else. Very strange but then I guess that’s what happens when you care enough to remain friends and just accept that it wasn’t right for either of us.


              1. I agree. I had one relationship that started out as only friends first, then became intimate. We’re friends again, and it someways, the fog of intimacy has been removed from everything and we can communicate much better as a result.


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